Thursday, April 3, 2014

Zarina the Pirate Fairy!

Hello Everyone!
I thought today would be a wonderful day to start my new blog. After all, how can a girl resist when she's wearing her new favorite outfit!
My sisters and I just watched the new Disney movie Tinkerbell and the Pirate Fairy last night and it was so good. I especially liked Zarina the pirate fairy. She is so creative and full of adventure. She also isn't afraid to ask a lot of questions!
So what do you think of my new outfit?
Me, Saige in my new Pirate Fairy outfit

I'm so lucky that my sister Isabelle is an excellent designer and seamstress. She designed everything from my boots to my skirt, belt, top, corset & headband! I don't know what I would do without her. I'll toss in a photo of Zarina just so you can see the look I was going for.

Zarina the Pirate Fiary

 Hopefully my hair isn't "too wild". Hehe.
I'm hoping to post a lot of new stuff about myself (Saige) and my three sisters. Isabelle, Caroline & McKenna. We all love clothes, especially designing them! 
Hope to see you around.
 - Saige